10 vegetables high in calcium Strengthen your bones

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Any girls who have bone problems? or want to strengthen bones In addition to giving importance to drinking milk each day, It is recommended to focus on eating vegetables that are high in calcium. We have collected 10 types of vegetables that provide high calcium to the body to share with you ladies. We choose to eat to nourish our bones to be strong every day. โปรโมชั่น ufabet

1. Gourd:

The leaves and young shoots of gourd provide calcium to the body up to 126 milligrams per 100 grams. They are also considered a source of vitamin A that helps nourish eyesight. Helps treat diabetes, nourishes bones, and boosts immunity in the body. Cure inflammation and digest food well

2. Cassia

. The shoots and young leaves of Cassia provide up to 156 milligrams of calcium per 100 grams. They also contain vitamins that help strengthen the body’s immune system and help prevent cold symptoms very well. In addition, the young leaves of Cassia contain substances that help relieve stress and act as a mild sleeping pill.


Winged beans: Winged beans are rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin E. They have properties that help relieve fatigue and strengthen the body’s immune system very well. It is also classified as a vegetable that helps build strong bones as well.

4. Kale: 100

grams of kale provides up to 245 milligrams of calcium to the body. It is considered a vegetable that provides high calcium to the body. It is therefore not surprising that kale is classified as a vegetable that helps strengthen bones.

5. Mimosa:

100 grams of mimosa provides up to 387 milligrams of calcium to the body, thus helping to build strong bones as well. Importantly, water mimosa can also be used to make delicious curries, stir-fries, or salads.

6. Acacia

100 grams provides calcium to the body as high as 137 milligrams. It is also a vegetable rich in vitamin A that helps nourish eyesight. It is also a vegetable that has the effect of reducing blood sugar, helps with menstruation, expels gas, relieves diarrhea, helps heal wounds, and nourishes the liver well.

7. Khae

shoots : 100 grams of Khae shoots provide up to 395 milligrams of calcium. They are considered a vegetable. That is rich in calcium. You can easily find something to eat. Plus, it can be use to make a variety of food menus.

8. Sesbania flowers:

100 grams of Sesbania flowers provide 51 milligrams of calcium to the body. In addition to being a vegetable that helps strengthen bones. It is also a vegetable that is recorded in folk medicine recipes as being effective in relieving stomach aches and pains.

9. Yo leaves.

100 grams of yor leaves provide calcium to the body as high as 469 milligrams. Small yor leaves available in Pattani province provide calcium to the body as high as 841 milligrams per 100 grams. In addition, yor leaves also help nourish. eyesight very well Because there is a large amount of vitamin A.

10. Vegetables:

100 grams of vegetables provides 573 milligrams of calcium to the body and is also rich in iron. It is considered a vegetable that helps build strong bones. ฤnd has the ability to create hemoglobin in red blood cells. and also brings oxygen to nourish various cells In the body as well

Ladies, we all know that calcium is an important component for strengthening our bones and teeth. It also helps control the functioning of the nervous system, heart, and muscles. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly eat calcium-rich vegetables in appropriate amounts. To nourish the body to be strong every day.